About Wenjun Mei
I grew up in Changde, a small but beautiful city in south China. I received my Bachelor of Science in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from Peking University in 2011. During my undergraduate study, I spent time in trying different research areas, like experimental fluid mechanics, impact dynamics of shape memory alloys, and control systems. I also participated in a campus-wide mathematical modeling contest in Peking University (Jiang Zehan Cup) and won the first prize. These experiences helped me find out where my research interests and strong points are. In general, I like mathematical modeling of natural, social, and engineering systems. I am good at creative thinking and making connections among different areas.
In September 2011, I attended the University of California, Santa Barbara to pursue a PhD degree at the Center for Control, Dynamical Systems and Computation. Working with my PhD advisor, Prof. Francesco Bullo, is a fantastic experience, because he always gives me insightful directions, as well as a lot of freedom to conduct independent research. He encourages me to think big and innovatively rather than just being a follower. I am very fortunate to have worked on some exciting interdisciplinary research projects and collaborated with professors from different departments such as sociology and management.
In my spare time, I play soccer and am a big fan of it. I can also be found camping, hiking, and practicing Chinese calligraphy.
Education Experience

2011. 09 - 2017.12 (PhD thesis defense)
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara
Dissertation topic: Modeling and Analysis of Social Networks Dynamics
Area of Study: Dynamical Systems and Control
Advisor: Prof. Francesco Bullo

2007.09 - 2011.07
B.S., Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Peking University
Thesis: Event-triggered control of second-ordered multi-agent systems
Advisor: Prof. Tianguang Chu